Thassos marble gets its name from a Greek island located in the Aegean Sea, where it was mined from time immemorial
In the sixth century BC, Thassos marble was exported to neighboring countries, where it was used in the construction of temples and old buildings at the same time a school of sculpture was established on the island, and the Romans used this type of marble extensively in the period between the first and second centuries in this age. And to this day, this type of marble is still the most well-known type that is extracted from Greece Thassos marble, it is considered the whitest type of marble in the world, consisting of small crystals
In comparison with the marble extracted from Vietnam, which also has large quantities of marble, which is also distinguished by being very white, but consisting of large crystals, and this is the element of the difference between it and the Greek type.
Civic marble also has small crystals, but its crystals tend to be gray in color